Tuesday, August 18, 2009

H1N1 in Malaysia and the rising prices of face masks

Malaysia has one of the highest mortality rates of H1N1 in the world. With 56 deaths from roughly 3000 reported cases of people infected with H1N1, this mortality rate (2%) is way above the global average ranging from 0.1%-0.6%.

Are Malaysians more susceptible to H1N1? Probably not, as the demography of Malaysia is largely similar to that of neighbouring Singapore (which has a much lower mortality rate). The more plausible reason is the more scarier one. The actual mortality rate of H1N1 in Malaysia is not out of the norm. - Face Masks sold in Johor Bahru - Face Masks sold in Johor Bahru

For this to happen, this will mean that there is a large pool of unreported H1N1 infections in Malaysia – with infected people unaware that they are infected by the viruses. This led to Malaysia’s Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong to concede today that an estimated 80,000 Malaysians may have been already infected with influenza A (H1N1) – a startling figure indeed.

In Johor Bahru, H1N1 has overtaken the crime rate as the main concern topic recently. And this is being demonstrated by the ballooning price of face masks. It will cost you RM$1.20 now if you purchase a single face mask from a provision shop in Johor Bahru, when the cost price is only RM$0.30. Besides face masks, people are increasing purchases of vitamin C tablets and digital thermometers. Brisk businesses for provision shop owners and door-to-door salesmen.

There is also a lingering feeling if the place you visit in Johor Bahru is a hotspot for H1N1 already. The statistics are not coming fast enough for the Malaysian Health Ministry to forewarn the public or take any effective measures. Like most countries, it is left to the community to take the common sense precautions. To be prudent, it is wise to avoid crowded places like City Square, Tebrau Hawker Centers and Stulang Laut if you are bringing small children or your grandparents along – people who are most susceptible to H1N1.

And for Singaporeans, white cards should not be the only checklist before making your trip to JB. Ask yourself if you have remembered to bring any face masks too.

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